Model: 61187 – Urban Style Urban Category Chalet

61187 – Urban

Price from

76 421$

Price based on purchase option Master at home

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Style Urban
Category Chalet
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
1 washroom
No garage
1 floor
Size 599 ft2
Width 38 ft
Length 18 ft
Photo du modèle de chalet préfabriqué de style Urban - 61187 – Urban

Plans and design

Plans and design - 61187 – Urban

Plans and design - 61187 – Urban

Model photos

Batitech | 61187 - Urban | 61187b de88ea17 b9ca 4180 9e92

Built on stilts, this mini house has a covered terrace in the front. It has a living area of 599 square feet and is 38 feet wide and 18 feet deep.

This open concept cottage has cathedral ceilings that are nine feet high with banded windows above the cupboards in a laboratory kitchen with an island, a dining room, a living room, an area for the washer and dryer, a bathroom with shower as well as a bedroom.

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